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The Biome Blog

Rachel Matthews
Jul 5, 20212 min read
It's time to change your view on peatlands. It could make a difference to the climate
Peat has been making headlines recently. Seemingly innocuous, as for many it is simply the soil used by gardeners for their plant pots...

Rachel Matthews
May 22, 20213 min read
Bees are crucial to our existence, but how safe is their future?
The insects are the biggest crop pollinators on earth, meaning we would not be eating in the same way without them. But they're under threat

Rachel Matthews
Apr 17, 20212 min read
It's time we took on fast fashion. Lockdown may have made it possible
We’re shopping more and more and the impacts that’s having globally are huge. Everything we wear has an impact on the environment

Rachel Matthews
Mar 25, 20212 min read
The problem of the ocean's plastic crisis
Another crisis, which has been simmering for years, has continued to grow in the pandemic: plastic pollution contaminating our oceans.

Rachel Matthews
Feb 13, 20214 min read
How birth control could see the return of the native Red Squirrel
The UK population of red squirrels was once around 3.5 million, however, it has now dropped to an estimated 140,000. This is in comparison t
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